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Boss's Day: A Brief History & Why Custom Boss Day Gifts Are a Great Way to Celebrate

Boss's Day is an annual holiday that celebrates the hardworking bosses and managers who keep our workplaces running smoothly. Giving your boss a gift is a great touch, but it can sometimes be hard to think of something special, especially a gift that won’t break the bank. We’ll look at boss day gift ideas later in this article, but for now, you’re probably wondering what’s the history behind this special occasion.

What and When is Boss's Day?

Observed on October 16th in the United States, Canada, and Lithuania, Boss’s Day provides an opportunity for employees to show their appreciation for their bosses' hard work and dedication.

The history of Boss's Day dates to 1958 when Patricia Bays Haroski, a secretary at State Farm Insurance Company in Illinois, registered the holiday with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. She chose October 16th as the date because it was her father's birthday and he also happened to be her boss. She hoped that creating a special day to recognize bosses would improve relationships between employers and employees.

Over time, Boss's Day has become more popular and widely celebrated in many countries around the world. It’s now customary for employees to give their bosses gifts or cards as a way of showing gratitude for their leadership and support.

Why Custom Boss Day Gifts?

If you're looking for a way to celebrate Boss's Day this year, consider giving your boss a custom gift. Here are some reasons why custom gifts are an awesome way to honor your boss:


Custom gifts allow you to add a personal touch that shows your boss how much you appreciate them. Whether it’s monogrammed stationery or a personalized mug with their name on it, these gifts demonstrate that you put thought into what would make them happy.

Looking for something that’s even more unique? Here’s a personalized gift idea your boss is sure to love: a custom REAL dollar bill plaque.

Simply upload your boss’s photo and type in their name (for their custom dollar bill), then let us know what you want their custom engraved plaque to say.

Here are some ideas of what your plaque could say:


Happy Boss’s Day
Best Manager Ever
Happy Boss’s Day
From your team at [your company name here] 

Or make it 100% your own and include any message to your boss you want!

Need it fast? Our custom engraved plaques are shipped within two business days from order placement and upgraded shipping is available. Your boss will LOVE IT; satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.


Custom gifts are unique by definition because they’re tailored specifically for one person. This means that even if other people give your boss gifts on Boss's Day, yours will stand out as something special. 


Most custom gifts are practical items that can be used every day. For example, a customized leather notebook or planner is not only functional but also stylish - perfect for busy executives who need to stay organized.

Priced Just Right

Contrary to popular belief, custom gifts don't have to break the bank. There are plenty of affordable options available online or at local gift shops that can be customized according to your preferences. You’re On The Money’s boss day gifts start at just $11.99.

  • Use discount code BOSS at checkout and enjoy 15% off your order.

In conclusion, Boss's Day is an important occasion that recognizes the contributions of bosses and managers around the world. Giving them a custom gift is an excellent way of demonstrating your appreciation while also adding a personal touch that makes it memorable. So, whether it’s a custom dollar bill plaque from You’re On The Money or personalized coffee cup, make sure your boss knows how much they mean to you this Boss's Day!

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