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Valentines Gifts & the History of Valentine's Gift-Giving

How did it come to be that we celebrate Valentine’s Day the way we do, especially considering its bloody history? How is it that we exchange Valentines gifts and commemorate loving relationships on a day that corresponds to a massacre? 

You have Geoffrey Chaucer to thank for lovey-dovey Valentine's Day gift-giving. Maybe. The first known words that were written to link romantic love and Valentine’s Day are his, so the blame might as well be placed on him. The date was 1382 when he penned Parlement of Foules. He wrote:

For this was on St. Valentine’s Day,
when every bird cometh there to choose his mate.

It was during the 18th century that the holiday became strongly associated with lovers and celebrated much as we do today with sweethearts exchanging gifts. This was at least 200 years ago, so nobody, but nobody was giving or receiving anything even remotely as unique as a couple’s or lover’s photo on a real dollar bill!

Unique Valentine's Day Gifts for Couples


Things were also a lot tougher and sexist back then. It was 1897 when The Young Man’s Valentine Writer hit the streets. It was loaded with suggested romantic verses that young men could incorporate into their Valentine’s Day missives so that they might better impress the fairer objects of their desire. That’s right, the boys wrote the letters, signed the cards, and gave the gifts, unlike the enlightened age we live in now where it is perfectly acceptable – and strongly encouraged! – for ladies to buy gifts for their fellers.

But that’s certainly not how it started. Valentine’s Day originated as a liturgical celebration to honor a Christian saint known as Valentinus. Since there were several saints known as Valentinus, nobody’s really certain which particular one we’ve been celebrating all these years, but it may have been the man locked up by the Romans for performing forbidden weddings among soldiers and giving aid to Christians.

Legend has it that he healed the daughter of his jailer and send her a letter signed “Your Valentine.”

Valentines Day Gifts for Couples

Aha! A clue. Valentinus wrote a letter, which evolved into a card, which evolved into a custom personalized real dollar bill from! Okay, just kidding. But seriously, one of our custom dollar bills can be easily slipped right inside a card.

Because what you’re looking for is that just-right, totally unique Valentine’s Day gift. Something unique that really commemorates your relationship with your sweetie. Something that captures the two of you at this unique time in your relationship in a way that you will both cherish forever. Something you can enjoy for years to come, that you’ll always get a kick out of. Something that will take you back to that time and remind you of just how special it was then and how it continues to be special now.

What fits the bill? Trust us, your sweetheart has never received a gift quite like a custom dollar bill featuring the two of you! Just grab him – or her! – and take a picture of the two. Maybe a photo of the two of you kissing… hmmmm, totes adorbz, no?


Want to make it even more memorable? Get your dollar on a custom plaque! Commemorate your love with a personalized inscription. Talk about unique! Now you’ve got something to hang on the wall, set on a mantle, or sit on top of a desk.

As we get closer and closer to Valentine’s Day, you can almost feel the tension building across the land as conscientious sweethearts try to figure out what to get their significant others. Fingers are tapping keyboards, tablets, and smartphones, desperately searching for the perfect gift.

She’s thinking he’s got everything! What can I get him that could possibly let him know how important he is to me? I’ve got to find the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for him!

He’s thinking what do I do, what do I do? Any guy can get her flowers and candy. What can I do to let her know I actually put some thought into a Valentine's Day gift for her?

I have good news! A custom dollar bill or dollar bill plaque from makes an absolutely perfect and unique Valentine’s Day gift.

And I have more good news: the tradition of lovers and sweethearts celebrating Valentine’s Day by exchanging gifts has nothing to do with the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre. It just so happens that Al Capone’s gang murdered eight members of a rival gang in 1929 to take over the mob business in Chicago.

So, we’re not celebrating a massacre when we celebrate Valentine’s Day!

With that, rest easy, spend time with your sweetheart and loved ones, and please consider a custom dollar bill or plaque from


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